Showing posts with label Indonesian Movie News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesian Movie News. Show all posts

Sukarno Daughter Reports Film Director for Defamation

Rachmawati Sukarnoputri, the second daughter of Sukarno, has filed a police report against prominent film director Hanung Bramantyo for alleged defamation following a spat over Hanung’s soon-to-be-released biopic about Indonesia’s first president.

Rachmawati reported Hanung to the Jakarta Police on Monday through her lawyer Ramdan Alamsyah.

“This report was filed in relation to Hanung’s statement, in which he was quoted by media as saying that Bu Rachma was seeking popularity,” Ramdan said.

“[He accused] Rachmawati of having intentionally stirred up a dispute surrounding the Sukarno movie to seek popularity. What would be that for? Ibu Rachma has been well-known for a long time, maybe even before Hanung was born,” he added.

Rachmawati, through the Soekarno Education Foundation (YPH), an organization she chairs, signed a contract with film company Multivision Plus Pictures in 2011 to collaborate on the production for “Soekarno – Indonesia Merdeka” (“Soekarno – Indonesia is Free”), with Hanung signed on as director.

This June, however, the foundation ended the partnership after Rachmawati reportedly disagreed with Hanung’s casting of Ario Bayu to play Sukarno. Ario previously starred in the 2013 action film “Java Heat.”

Rachmawati earlier suggested that actor Anjasmara play her father, but Hanung said he did not fit the role. Indonesian news portal Liputan6, meanwhile, reported that Rachmawati objected to Ario playing her father on the grounds that he was not very nationalistic and was unfamiliar with Sukarno’s story due to his living abroad.

“I chose actors based on criteria. There was only one Sukarno, and our duty is only to represent and reinterpret [him],” Hanung told a press conference in Jakarta last week, during which he responded to Rachmawati’s disapprovals. “Maybe she [Rachmawati] wants more exposure,” Hanung said according to Liputan6.

The director also mentioned that he and Rachmawati disagreed on the film’s plot. Rachmawati reportedly wanted the movie to depict “Bung Karno” during his last days, but Hanung insisted that doing that would be “very difficult because it would create a lot of controversy.”

The film, which is slated for a December 22 release, tells the story of Sukarno’s life in the 1920s through his role in Indonesia’s struggle for independence, which culminated in 1945. It deals with his political activism as well as his personal life.

Ramdan said he and his client have been unable to contact Hanung to regarding his previous statements, so they decided to bring the case to the police.

“Up until now we haven’t been able to communicate [with Hanung],” Ramdan said. “We actually didn’t want to report this. But he has no goodwill. Hanung thinks he’s great, that he has a super power.”

In addition to Ario, the movie features Lukman Sardi and actresses Maudy Koesnaedi and Tika Bravani.

An official trailer of the movie was released earlier this month. (source:

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Deddy Mizwar: Sexual & Horror Movie Must be Appreciated

Deddy Mizwar
INDONESIAN FILM NEWS - The rise of horror films and sex (horseks) gets a lot of criticism from many quarters, because they are less educated. However, not so with the senior actor Deddy Mizwar.

He still considers the films as a result of works, which keberadaaanya needs to be appreciated.

 The actor famous through the film Naga Bonar was considered, it should not just criticize people just horror films, they also have to do something for the Indonesian film industry.

 "These films ghost that's also a form of work should be rewarded. Abroad's also a lot of movies like that. So do not just criticize it. Indonesia do something for the movie," said Deddy Mizwar Satra Solidarity event for Palestine at the Performing Arts Building Bulungan, South Jakarta, Monday (10/12).

 For the future, Deddy hope there will be no segregation film types. He also hopes that more directors who make films with diverse themes. "For the year 2013 hopefully more and more films with the theme that is different. Due actually there are many themes that have not dared directors appointed by us," he concluded. (MPA / pur / dar)

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Hollywood Influences Indonesian Cinema

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Film Hollywood akan Tayang Lagi di Indonesia

Selama beberapa waktu film box office asing tidak lagi eksis di bioskop-bioskop tanah air. Kevakuman tersebut terjadi sejak tanggal 18 Pebruari 2011 yang lalu. Hal tersebut dikarenakan film-film asing tersebut telah ditarik dari peredarannya oleh Motion Picture Association (MPA). MPA merupakan importif film yang mewakili sejumlah perusahaan film asing, saat itu menarik semua film asing yang beredar di seluruh bioskop di Indonesia.

Menurut Noorca Masardi, juru bicara 21 Cineplex, adanya aksi penarikan tersebut dipicu oleh keputusan pemerintah melalui Dirjen Pajak dan Bea Cukai yang menetapkan pemberlakuan bea masuk hak edar distribusi.

Namun kini, Pemerintah telah memastikan bahwa film-film asing box office tersebut akan beredar kembali di Indonesia, meskipun pihak importir film MPA belum membayar tunggakan bea masuk kepada pemerintah.

Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Jero Wacik seusai Rapat Internal di Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, pada hari Kamis tanggal 9 Juni 2011. Jero Wacik mengatakan, pemerintah mendahulukan film-film asing agar bisa masuk kembali ke Indonesia sedangkan masalah tunggakan pajak bisa diselesaikan melalui mekanisme lain. Masalah urusan perpajakan atas tunggakan pajak para importer film asing tersebut akan ditangani oleh pengadilan Pajak.

Para importir boleh kembali memasukkan film-film asing setelah Kementerian Keuangan pada pekan depan mengeluarkan Surat Keputusan yang akan memperbaharui pajak impor film asing tersebut. Apabila Surat Keputusan itu sudah keluar, maka semua film hollywood dipastikan akan bisa masuk lagi ke tanah air. Karena hal itu merupakan target pemerintah demi agar gedung bioskop kembali ramai lagi. SK itu pada prinsipnya menyederhanakan pajak impor film asing menjadi satu macam saja yang disebut pajak spesifik. Tadinya, pemerintah memberlakukan tiga jenis pajak untuk impor film asing, yaitu Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN), pajak royalti, dan pembayaran bea masuk.

Dari 3 (tiga) importif film asing, hanya 1 (satu) perusahaan importir film asing yang telah melunasi tagihan bea masuk sebesar Rp.9 Miliar, yaitu PT Amero Mitra. Namun, perusahaan tersebut khusus mengimpor film-film non MPA. Sedangkan 2 (dua) perusahaan lagi yang mengimpor film-film MPA yang tergolong box office, yaitu PT Camila Internusa dan PT Satrya Perkasa Estetika belum melunasi tagihan bea masuk impor film termasuk pembayaran dendanya. Sampai saat ini Dirjen Bea Cukai Kementerian Keuangan belum berencana menuntut perusahaan tersebut ke pengadilan pajak.

Namun demikian, ternyata Pemerintah telah memutuskan untuk menaikkan pajak impor film asing sebesar 100 % sebagai upaya melindungi dan menggairahkan produksi film dalam negeri. Menurut Jero Wacik, menaikkan pajak film impor bertujuan melindungi produksi film dalam negeri. Pemberlakuan kenaikkan pajak film impor tersebut tinggal menunggu turunnya Surat Keputusan Menteri Keuangan RI.

Pemerintah akan mengatur tata pajak film asing agar film Indonesia semakin banyak dan bermutu. Pajak film Indonesia akan dikurangi sehingga langkah tersebut diharapkan bisa mendorong produksi film dalam negeri lebih banyak lagi. Namun sebaliknya, untuk pajak film impor, pemerintah sepakat untuk menaikkan, walaupun sebelumnya kenaikan pajak impor sempat mendapat protes dan dikeluhkan para importir film.

Dengan diizinkannya kembali peredaran film-film asing box office di Indonesia, diharapkan bioskop-bioskop di Indonesia akan kembali dibanjiri oleh para pencinta film-film box office. Sehingga dengan demikian bioskop-bioskop di Indonesia akan terhindar dari kebangkrutan. [metrotvnews]

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Indonesian Government Issues Import Film Policy

Directorate General of Customs and Excise, On Monday, February 21, 2011 at 11:30 pm, has been carried Press Release on the Main Auditorium DGCE Headquarters concerning rules on the import content of the film with the following material:

* There are no new policies or regulations of foreign movies because of the additional royalties into the customs value is in conformity with the WTO Valuation Agreement was ratified by Law No. 7 of 1994 and in Adopt the Law No. 10 of 1995 amended by No. 17/2006 on Customs governing provisions of the Customs Value.

* No increase of tariffs. Film imports classified under HS Code 3706 with the imposition of tariffs of 10%, 10% import VAT and Income Tax section 22 imports 2.5%.

* DGCE do a re-assessment based on the reference as follows:

* Following the meeting of tariff harmonization of inter-departmental team on February 11, 2010 at the Center for State Revenue Policy BKF, led a meeting of the National Film Advisory Board (BP2N) with the Head of BKF, BKF at the meeting stated that the problem is the calculation of customs value for imported films based only the price of the print copy of the film, not including royalties and profit-sharing rights

* Letter of the National Film Advisory Board (BP2N) to the Director General of Customs 282/BP2N/III/2010 number dated March 26, 2010 concerning the application for determination of customs value of imported films in accordance with fair value, arguing that:

* Taxes levied against the movie industry has been higher than imported films.

* Based on data from websites Mojo Film Box - Office, the circulation of some foreign movies which paid the producer (52 titles) film for the period April 2009 till February 2010 has produced almost $ 60 million or equivalent to Rp + 570 billion (exchange rate = Rp 9,500 / 1 USD).

* Letter of the Directorate General of Foreign Trade to the Chairman BP2N Number 121/DAGLU/4/2010 dated April 12, 2010 which states that there are factors unique film containing intellectual property rights (intellectual property rights) so that the determination of customs value not just use the standard flat metric Average per film (USD 0.43/meter).

* Letter from bkf to BP2N Number S-320/KF/2010 dated June 17, 2010 regarding the Fiscal Incentives for Industrial National Film and determining the Customs Value of Imported Films, which essentially contains the determination of customs value of goods imported film is the implementation of Law no. 17 of 2006 on Customs is not a policy.

* DGCE do a re-assessment in accordance with Law 10 of 1995 amended by No. 17/2006 on customs affairs, where the procedure entry of imported goods in accordance bill adheres to the principles of self assessment. Based on these principles DGCE authorized to conduct testing of the notification referred. In the notification pabeannya importer only inform the cost of printing copies of the film without entering into a royalty pabeannya value, so add it into the calculation DGCE customs value per regulation.

* On February 18, 2011 made between DGCE meeting with the MPA and Film Producers (among other things: 21th century, Walt Disney, Time Warner, Sony Pictures) discussed the problems of the customs value of imported films, the meeting asked the MPA DGCE and Producer intended to convey in writing the things that concern them to the Director-General, and until now has not received DGCE.


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Film Hantu Cermin Dunia Film Indonesia

'Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan', 'Suster Keramas', demikian judul-judul film horor dengan adegan-adegan sensual yang membanjiri bioskop Indonesia Mengapa film-film horor berbau porno marak di Indonesia?

Joko Anwar, sutradara dan penulis skenario, melihat trend ini sebagai formula murah yang dicoba produsen untuk menarik minat penonton film horor yang semakin surut.

"Tahun 2009, film-film horor yang dikeluarkan ternyata penontonnya tidak seperti yang diharapkan. Tahun-tahun sebelumnya masih banyak," kata Joko Anwar.

Menurut Joko para produser kemudian memakai trik-trik baru untuk menarik penonton. Contohnya, judul yang 'mengundang' dan janji-janji akan ada adegan sensual, telanjang atau adegan seks yang vulgar, walau ternyata adegan-adegan itu tidak ada dalam filmnya.

Sementara itu menurut Lalu Roimsari, Direktur Jakarta Film Festival (JiFFest) munculnya film-film horor yang diwarnai adegan sensual ini berkaitan dengan lemahnya kualitas SDM sineas Indonesia.

"Di Indonesia kualitas SDM masih rendah. Industri film maju pesat tapi tidak dibarengi dengan tersedianya sumber daya manusia yang memadai," jelas Lalu. Hal ini, menurut Lalu, mengakibatkan munculnya film-film dengan kualitas yang tidak bagus.

Film-film horor berbau porno seperti 'Suster Keramas' dan 'Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan', mengundang kemarahan organisasi-organisasi Islam seperti MUI dan FPI. Mereka menyerukan pencekalan terhadap film-film tersebut. Tapi, apakah seruan semacam ini masih efektif dan didengarkan oleh masyarakat?

Menurut Joko dan Lalu, pelarangan terhadap film tidak sesuai lagi dengan situasi masyarakat. "Masyarakat sudah semakin pintar dalam menentukan film apa yang mereka mau," jelas Lalu.

Joko Anwar berpendapat larangan terhadap produk-produk budaya seperti buku atau film tidak lagi efektif karena orang bisa dengan mudah mendapatkannya di internet. "Pelarangan itu justru kontra produktif. Kalau sebuah film dilarang orang justru ingin menontonnya," kata Joko.

Sejarah terulang
Joko Anwar mengkhawatirkan maraknya film-film hantu berbau porno ini akan menyebabkan hilangnya minat penonton terhadap film Indonesia, seperti apa yang terjadi pada awal tahun '90an.

Trik menarik penonton dengan judul-judul 'mengundang' dulu juga dipakai. Tapi, ketika penonton masuk bioskop mereka tidak mendapatkan apa yang mereka harapkan. Hal yang sama sekarang terjadi lagi dengan film-film horor berbau porno.

Maraknya film dengan kualitas rendah akan menyebabkan penonton menjauhi bioskop. "Fondasi yang sudah dibangun oleh pembuat film Indonesia untuk menciptakan dunia perfilman yang berkualitas akan runtuh," kata Joko Anwar. []

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Senayan library: A place for film, fact and fiction

LIBRARY LISTENING: Two blind library members are scanner facility that turns textbooks into audio. The facility enables them to enjoy several books unavailable in braille.

The National Education Ministry is arguably one of the more people-friendly government agencies in Jakarta. It welcomes all, in particular fond readers of the written word and devotees to the moving picture.

If you have free time for intellectual pleasure, pursue it at the ministry's library. The Perpustakaan Pendidikan Nasional (National Education Library), or Library@Senayan, is on the ground floor of the main ministry building at Jalan Sudirman, Senayan.

This library is a learner's oasis with 18,000 books, 5,000 audio visual materials and 80 print media titles. Opened in November 2004, the library's main collection comes from the British Council at the Widjaja building across the street.

Like any public library, you are free to walk in without having to submit to an electronic spot check.

One feature that immediately draws visitors in is the giant, flat-screen TV at the far end of the reading room. Sit on a sofa, put on earphones and watch the latest BBC world news broadcast.

After absorbing an hour of TV news, switch to the printed version. You'll find the day's edition of Kompas, The Jakarta Post, Republika and several other major Jakarta-based papers, as well as the locally printed International Herald Tribune. You also have your choice of news magazines: Tempo, Gatra, Time and The Economist.

Many of the visitors are young, student types. Regular members, who pay Rp 150,000 a year for membership, can use the library's desktop computers and the Internet is accessible for 12 hours of the day. A premium membership grants you free Internet access for whole year. For that, you have to cough up Rp250,000. If you are not a member but want to go on line, the charge is Rp 10,000 an hour. Members who bring their own laptops can use the free wireless facility.

MOVIE HUNT: A library member looks for her favorite films at the Education Ministry’s library in Senayan, Central Jakarta. The library is also equipped with a TV to play the movies.(JP/Ricky Yudhistira)MOVIE HUNT: A library member looks for her favorite films at the Education Ministry’s library in Senayan, Central Jakarta. The library is also equipped with a TV to play the movies.

The digital video discs are also popular. Many are from the BBC and other U.K. networks. You can find David Attenborough's acclaimed nature series, Harry Potter and vintage David Lean films. One is a 1945 film, Brief Encounter, a typical English film. A doctor (Trevor Howard) meets an attractive woman (Celia Johnson) by chance on a railway platform. Both are happily married but after two more chance encounters, they become drawn to each other.

If you want to extend film watching into an intellectual exercise with an exchange of ideas, the library offers a monthly screening for all visitors. On the third and fourth Saturdays of the month (and sometimes the fifth when there is one) at 12 noon, you can watch a feature film for free. They are films based on real events, which deliver a message of humanity. After the screening, the film viewers give their off-the-cuff critiques.

In March, the library rolled the award-winning Indonesian masterpiece Cut Nyak Dien. Actress Christine Hakim portrays a warrior chief in Aceh, whose name is the film's title. Her protracted guerrilla warfare in the late 19th century against the Dutch made it difficult for the colonial army to subdue the territory.

The April film was Freedom Writers. It is a film about a California teacher, Erin Gruwell, who is assigned to a high school in a troubled neighborhood. The majority of the students seem destined to fail their high school exams. She teaches them how their exposure to violence and intimidation is parallel to what Jewish teenager Anne Frank faced in Holland under the Nazis during World War II. Through strong will and sacrifice, however, Gruwell motivates her students to write moving diaries of their life experiences. They end up graduating and some move on to college to become motivating teachers themselves.

The May screening was Sometimes in April, which tells the true story of an African family caught in the 1994 ethnic conflict in Rwanda. After the showing, one viewer warned of provocateurs who play one section of the community against another.

Another viewer believed a central message to the film was people of different ethnic, religious and racial backgrounds in a community must learn to develop mutual appreciation to live peacefully and prosper together.

After treating your eyes and ears to a film, you might want to treat your taste buds. The delightful, dim-lighted La Biblio caf* is located to the right of the library and offers light snacks. Try a plate of singkong (cassava) for Rp 5,000 and a cup of Jawa oolong tea. This blend of jasmine and green tea sets you back Rp 5,500.

If the stomach pleads for something more substantial, try the nasi mangkok, a rice dish, for Rp17,500. This is a glass bowl of rice with shredded chicken in thick, sweet kecap (soy sauce). A smattering of small cuts of carrot, onion, mustard green, green peas and sweet corn come with it.

So if you have a Saturday free and want to do something meaningful with it, visit Library@Senayan.

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Komeng hits the big screen

Comedian Komeng, who has spent almost his whole acting career in TV shows, will debut on the big screen in the upcoming sex-comedy flick Anda Puas Saya Loyo (You're Satisfied I'm Tired).

"This is my first film," the 37-year-old comedian was quoted as saying by Antara, adding he had previously turned down offers from film producers as he did not want it to affect his TV show schedule.

In the movie, Komeng says he was given the freedom to improvise. "I didn't read the script. I was only given the synopsis," he says.

Anda Puas Saya Loyo, which was produced by K2K Production, claims to be the first film featuring top comedians, such as Bedu, Mastur and Ruben, and features actresses like Andy Soraya and Yeyen.

The film follows the controversial film of the same genre, Mau Lagi (Want More), which was banned from being screened by the censorship board.

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More than 130,000 pirated DVDs seized

Jakarta Police arrested four suspects and confiscated thousands of pirated DVDs and VCDs, mainly containing pornographic material.

Police netted the suspects in four different locations: a shopping complex in Glodok and a shop in Tamansari both in West Jakarta, a shopping center in Taman Mini, East Jakarta and a warehouse in Penjaringan, North Jakarta, police spokesman Sr. Comr. I Ketut Untung Yoga Ana said in a statement released Thursday.

Glodok is a well-known center for pirated CDs, computer software and games.

Police seized more than 130,000 pirated DVDs and VCDs, including 5,150 pirated CDs of the latest hype movie Ayat-ayat Cinta (Verses of Love), and 33 boxes of pornographic CD covers.

Yoga said the suspects would be charged with violating the Copyright Law and Criminal Code on buying illegal goods, and for disseminating pornographic material.

The sellers could be jailed for up to five years if proven guilty, Ketut said.

Source: The Jakarta Post

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Indonesia`s films need better distribution strategy

London (ANTARA News) - Indonesian Ambassador to Britain and the Republic of Ireland Marty Natalegawa said on Friday Indonesia needed to learn a better distribution strategy for its films in order to get access to European markets, especially to British market.Indonesia was one of the world`s biggest film producers, Ambassador Natalegawa said in a reception held for noted Indonesian film director Garin Nugroho.

A Garin-directed film, `Opera Jawa` (Javanese Opera) will be shown in the Barbican Cultural Centre on Saturday night to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the centre. British top director Peter Seller, who is also a curator of the New Crowned Hope Festival, will also attend the show.

Natalegawa said that Garin was one of the Indonesian Cultural Ambassadors.

Garin, meanwhile admitted it was not easy to get access to international market or to get his films shown in British theaters although his films were often shown in many international film festivals.

The `Opera Jawa` was shown for the first time in Vienna, Austria in November 2006.

In the Nantes Film Festival, the `Opera Jawa` won awards for two categories, namely the Best Actress (Artika Sari Devi) and the Best Soundtrack and Music Composition (Rahayu Supanggah).

Source: Antara News

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Garin Nugroho Pasarkan “Opera Jawa” ke Eropa

Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Sutradara kawakan Indonesia Garin Nugroho saat ini sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk memasarkan film “Opera Jawa” ke Eropa pada Juli mendatang.

“Film `Opera Jawa` nantinya akan diputar di beberapa negara di Eropa, tetapi saya memilih Kota London untuk memulai perjalanan film ini,” kata Garin kepada ANTARA News di Yogyakarta, Senin.

Ia mengatakan film yang dibintangi oleh Putri Indonesia 2004 Artika Sari Devi itu akan diputar di London pada September nanti, sedangkan di Indonesia film tersebut rencananya akan diputar di bioskop-bioskop pada Agustus.

Film berdurasi 120 menit tersebut sudah dipesan oleh distributor film di Eropa. “Ini mempermudah langkah saya untuk mempromosikan film tersebut,” katanya.

Menurut dia, “Opera Jawa” merupakan karya yang mengusung ide lokal namun mamiliki potensi kuat untuk menjadi film yang diminati masyarakat internasional.

“Opera Jawa” menunjukkan bahwa bangsa Indonesia memiliki sumber daya manusia, yaitu seniman-seniman berkualitas. “Kemampuan seniman tersebut diolah dengan manajemen ide dan kreativitas sehingga potensi lokal tersebut menjadi karya yang bersifat global,” kata Garin.

Film “Opera Jawa” yang terinspirasi oleh epik Ramayana itu sempat memukau publik perfilman Australia dalam Festival Film Sydney (SFF) beberapa waktu lalu.

Film produksi gabungan Indonesia-Austria yang menggabungkan unsur seni drama, tari, busana tradisional dan keindahan panorama Indonesia tersebut juga telah diputar di beberapa komunitas film di San Fransisco dan Los Angeles.

Pria kelahiran Yogyakarta, 6 Juni 1961, saat ini sedang mempersiapkan film selanjutnya berjudul “Bumi Manusia” yang terinspirasi oleh buku pertama dari “Tetralogi Buru” karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer.

Garin sampai saat ini belum menentukan siapa artis yang nantinya akan membintangi film terbarunya tersebut.

“Sekarang saya sedang menyelesaikan skenario, awal tahun depan pembuatan film tersebut kemungkinan sudah bisa dimulai,” katanya.(*)

::sumber berita: Antara News

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